Career Journey: From Film Subtitling to International Journalism “Sometimes, the best journeys begin by chance,” Isabelle Kumar reflects as she recounts her path to becoming an award-winning international journalist. In...
Staff WriterDecember 6, 2024Career Journey: From Film Subtitling to International Journalism “Sometimes, the best journeys begin by chance,” Isabelle Kumar reflects as she recounts her path...
Staff WriterDecember 6, 2024An Exclusive Feature with G1 Magazine What inspired you to enter the biotech industry, specifically focusing on health and wellness through advanced therapies?...
Staff WriterDecember 6, 2024In today’s fast-paced world, the terms “stress” and “burnout” are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct experiences with different implications for our...
Dr. Carolyn RubinNovember 12, 2024Dr. Anna Erat is a renowned physician, educator, and former medical director with a unique blend of expertise in internal and sports medicine,...
Staff WriterNovember 12, 2024Career Journey: From Film Subtitling to International Journalism “Sometimes, the best journeys begin by chance,” Isabelle Kumar reflects as she recounts her path...
Staff WriterDecember 6, 2024An Exclusive Feature with G1 Magazine What inspired you to enter the biotech industry, specifically focusing on health and wellness through advanced therapies?...
Staff WriterDecember 6, 2024In today’s fast-paced world, the terms “stress” and “burnout” are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct experiences with different implications for our...
Dr. Carolyn RubinNovember 12, 2024Dr. Anna Erat is a renowned physician, educator, and former medical director with a unique blend of expertise in internal and sports medicine,...
Staff WriterNovember 12, 2024Can you share your journey from your early career to becoming the Chief of Staff to Maia’s Mayor? What motivated you to pursue...
Staff WriterNovember 9, 2024Two years ago, I found myself in a familiar cycle—blaming the pandemic, long work hours, and the demands of my senior role at...
Staff WriterNovember 9, 2024